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Built-in forms

Esta página aún no está disponible en tu idioma.

This aditional package provides a set of built-in forms that can be used in your application.


pnpm add @faivform/builtin

Available forms

There are currently 3 forms available:


You can import the forms from the package and use them in your application. For example:

import { Login } from "@faivform/builtin";
<Login />


The login form is used to authenticate a user in your application.

import { Login } from "@faivform/builtin";
const submit = async (data) => {
// Do something with the data
const texts = {
title: "Login",
email: {
label: "Email",
placeholder: "",
password: {
label: "Password",
placeholder: "********",
submit: "Login",
forgotPassword: "Forgot password?",
register: "Register",
<Login {submit} {texts} />


The register form is used to create a new user in your application.

import { Register } from "@faivform/builtin";
const submit = async (data) => {
// Do something with the data
const texts = {
title: "Register",
name: {
label: "Name",
placeholder: "John Doe",
email: {
label: "Email",
placeholder: "",
password: {
label: "Password",
placeholder: "********",
submit: "Register",
login: "Login",
<Register {submit} {texts} />

Forgot password

The forgot password form is used to request a password reset for a user in your application.

import { ForgotPassword } from "@faivform/builtin";
const submit = async (data) => {
// Do something with the data
const texts = {
title: "Forgot password",
email: {
label: "Email",
placeholder: "",
submit: "Send reset link",
login: "Login",
<ForgotPassword {submit} {texts} />