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Core package

Here you can find a list of interfaces and types used in the core package.


All types and interfaces that you have to know to use the useConfig, and the faivform contexts.


A wrapper type of Readable<FaivFormStore> that defines the form context.

loadingWritable<boolean>Whether the form is loading or not.
errorsWritable<Errors<Data>>The errors of the fields.
dataWritable<Data>The values of the fields.
stylesWritable<ContextStyles>The styles of the form.
reset(clear?: boolean, starting?: Data) => voidResets the form.
setError(field: Keys, error?: string | null) => Promise<void>Sets the error of a field.
setField(field: Keys, value: Data[Keys], validate?: boolean) => Promise<void>Sets the value of a field.
check(event: UserEvent<HTMLInputElement | HTMLTextAreaElement, FocusEvent | Event>) => Promise<void>Checks the value of a field.
submitsubmit<T = Data>(action: SubmitAction<T>, config?: SubmitConfig<T>) => Submit`Submits the form.


An interface that defines the field styles.

replaceboolean | undefinedWhether the styles should replace the default styles or not.
fieldFieldStyles | undefinedThe styles of the Field.
selectSelectStyles | undefinedThe styles of the Select.
optionOptionStyles | undefinedThe styles of the Option.
fileFileStyles | undefinedThe styles of the File.
errorsErrorsStyles | undefinedThe styles of the Errors.


All types and interfaces that you have to know to use the core package.


An interface that defines the config of the form.

fieldsFieldsSchema | AdapterThe fields of the form.
stylesContextStyles | undefinedThe styles of the form.
contextstring | undefinedThe context of the form.


An interface that defines the store of the form.

loadingWritable<boolean>Whether the form is loading or not.
errorsWritable<Errors<Data>>The errors of the fields.
dataWritable<Data>The values of the fields.
stylesWritable<ContextStyles>The styles of the form.
reset(clear?: boolean, starting?: Data) => voidResets the form.
setError(field: Keys, error?: string | null) => Promise<void>Sets the error of a field.
setField(field: Keys, value: Data[Keys], validate?: boolean) => Promise<void>Sets the value of a field.
check(event: UserEvent<HTMLInputElement | HTMLTextAreaElement, FocusEvent | Event>) => Promise<void>Checks the value of a field.
submitsubmit<T = Data>(action: SubmitAction<T>, config?: SubmitConfig<T>) => Submit`Submits the form.


An abstract class that defines the methods that an adapter must implement.

initial(): { fields: Data; errors: Errors<Data>; }Returns the initial values of the fields and errors.
validate<T = Data>(data: T): Promise<void>Validates the data.
field(field: keyof Data, value: Data[keyof Data], errors: Writable<Errors<Data>>): Promise<void>Validates a field.
errors(error: unknown, errors: Writable<Errors<Data>>, handle?: (error: unknown) => (void | Promise<void>)): Promise<void>Handles an error.


An type that defines the submit action.

valuesDataThe values of the form.


An interface that defines the submit config.

error((error: unknown) => (void | Promise<void>)) | undefinedA function that handles the error.
finishVoidFunction | undefinedA function that is called when the submit action is finished whether it was successful or not.
resetboolean | undefinedWhether the form should be reset or not.
initialData | undefinedThe initial values of the form.


An type that defines the function that is called when the form is submitted.

eventUserEvent<HTMLFormElement, SubmitEvent>The submit event.


An object type that defines the user event. It extends the native event to safely access the current target.

currentTargetEventTarget & ElementThe current target of the event.
EventAll the properties of the event used.


An object type that defines the errors of the fields.

[field]string | nullThe error of a field.


All schemas are defined using TypeScript types. This means that you can use them to define the type of your data.


A object type that defines a schema for a set of fields.

[field]Schema | FieldPropSchema | ArraySchema | FieldsSchemaA field schema.


A type that defines the type of a field.

RegExpA regular expression.
"string"A string.
"number"A number.
"boolean"A boolean.
"date"A date.
"file"A file.


A object type that defines the type of a field.

typeSchemaThe type of the field.
requiredboolean | undefinedWhether the field is required or not.
minnumber | undefinedThe minimum value of the field.
maxnumber | undefinedThe maximum value of the field.


A object type that defines the type of an array.

type"array"Indicates that the field is an array.
itemSchema | FieldPropSchema | ArraySchema | FieldsSchemaThe type of the items in the array.
requiredboolean | undefinedWhether the array is required or not.
minnumber | undefinedThe minimum length of the array.
maxnumber | undefinedThe maximum length of the array.


All types and interfaces that you have to know to use the styles.


An interface that defines the field styles.

containerstring | undefinedField container class
labelstring | undefinedField label class
inputstring | undefinedField input class
areastring | undefinedField type textarea class
checkstring | undefinedField type checkbox class
actionstring | undefinedField type password action class
iconstring | undefinedField type password icon class
checkedstring | undefinedField type checkbox checked icon
errorstring | undefinedField error class


An interface that defines the select styles.

containerstring | undefinedSelect container class
labelstring | undefinedSelect label class
selectstring | undefinedSelect menu class
valuestring | undefinedSelect value class
itemstring | undefinedSelect item class
removestring | undefinedSelect remove class
searchablestring | undefinedSelect searchable class
nonsearchablestring | undefinedSelect nonsearchable class
clearstring | undefinedSelect clear class
arrowstring | undefinedSelect arrow class
iconstring | undefinedSelect icon class
optionsstring | undefinedSelect options class
optionstring | undefinedSelect option class
emptystring | undefinedSelect empty class
errorstring | undefinedSelect error class


An interface that defines the option styles.

containerstring | undefinedOptions container class
legendstring | undefinedOptions label class
optionstring | undefinedOption class
labelstring | undefinedOption label class
inputstring | undefinedOption input class
contentstring | undefinedOption content class
errorstring | undefinedOption error class


An interface that defines the file styles.

containerstring | undefinedFile container class
itemstring | undefinedFile item class
coverstring | undefinedFile cover class
removestring | undefinedFile remove class
itemsstring | undefinedFile items class
retrystring | undefinedFile retry class
contentstring | undefinedFile content class
labelstring | undefinedFile label class
inputstring | undefinedFile input class
errorstring | undefinedFile error class


An interface that defines the errors styles.

containerstring | undefinedErrors list class
itemstring | undefinedErrors item class

Built-in components

All types and interfaces that you have to know to use the built-in components.


An interface that defines the select option.

keystring | undefinedThe key of the option.
labelstringThe label of the option.
valuestringThe value of the option.
fixedboolean | undefinedWhether the option is fixed or not.
disabledboolean | undefinedWhether the option is disabled or not.


An interface that defines the option item.

keystring | undefinedThe key of the option.
labelstring | undefinedThe label of the option.
valuestringThe value of the option.
disabledboolean | undefinedWhether the option is disabled or not.